by train

The closed train stations to La Rongere are:

Vitre - just 15 minutes by car (direct from Paris Montparnasse - 1hr 25 minutes)

Laval - 25 minutes by car (direct from Paris Montparnasse - 1hr 10 minutes)

Note: Laval is the larger town so there are more trains to and from there.   There is also a train station in Renne that is a 45 minute drive from La Rongere.

by plane

The closest airports are Rennes (a 40 minute drive to La Rongere) and Dinard (a 1 hour and 40 minutes drive to La Rongere).  Both airports have rental car facilities.

Note that it is very easy to get a shuttle bus to Rennes station, then a train to Vitre (total travel time 1hr). For details

by boat/car

Brittany Ferries -

From Portsmouth to Caen (2 hour drive from La Rongere) or St Malo (1 hour 30 minute drive from La Rongere).  There are several sailings per day.  There is also a fast service to Cherbourg, then a 3 hour drive to La Rongere.

P & O Ferries -

From Portsmouthto Le Havre (3 hours drive from La Rongere).


La Rongere, La Croixille, Pays de la Loire, France, 53380